Exploring Life & Stuff with a Bro Named Chad

Man in formal attire giving thumbs up at an event, wearing a dark velvet jacket and bow tie, with a boutonnière.

Welcome to abronamedchad.com!

I’m Chad—a “meme-aligning” bro exploring life, work, fatherhood, Bitcoin, Bigfoot, and everything in between. What started as a self-deprecating joke turned into this site, where I share ideas, insights, and a dash of humor from my journey as a “Chad-dad” and dreamer in his 30s.

I’d tell you to dive in to explore blog posts, photos, projects, and more, but right now there isn’t much here (other than blog posts), but hey, it exists! My hope is to turn this into something that inspires over time, but also captures who I am and what I do. Improvements will come with time!

Learn More About Me or Check Out the Blog